Our Purpose

HMI was founded with the purpose of training and preparing leaders who know the Lord and His ways. At HMI, students also learn the importance of submitting to their local church and giving their lives to edify it.

In the Early Church, the fellowship of the saints depended on mutual love and respect that was manifested through God’s presence in their lives. There were no denominational boundaries to maintain order and unity. In the lives of the congregation’s spiritual leaders, a powerful manifestation of supernatural authority was evident.

That authority was the foundation of the spiritual government and stability of the Church. Along with this divine authority, a glorious manifestation of Christ’s nature and character could also be observed in their lives. For these reasons, the entire Church could recognize a God-given ministry in these men, and they submitted joyfully to their ministry.


The goal of HMI is to seek the Holy Spirit’s presence so that Hebron Ministries can experience that same foundation of fellowship and unity. This requires a work to be done in the lives of both teachers and students.


 We can summarize the purpose of HMI in the following points:

To lead God’s people to a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ

A believer only truly enters into real life, joy, and peace by learning to know the Lord Jesus Christ in an intimate and personal way.

Jesus said, "And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent." (John 17:3).

To prepare leaders for the last harvest

Very soon, the Lord’s glory will come upon the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ in a way that has never before been seen. The long-awaited harvest, of which James 5:7 speaks to us, is drawing very near. Therefore, Hebron Ministries, aware of the Lord’s calling, is involved in the preparation of leaders for this visitation and harvest. The irresistible presence of God will soon tear down every obstacle and hindrance that holds back the powerful river that He has promised His Church.

May we be prepared for that day!

To lift and clear our spiritual vision

We are confident that those who study at HMI with an open and sincere heart, and with a desire for seeking the Lord and searching the Scriptures, will leave with a higher and clearer vision of our Lord Jesus Christ and of what He has for His people. The goal is that a greater desire will be born in their hearts for running toward the Lord. This happens when there is a vision that was given by God.

In Habakuk 2:2, the Lord commands the prophet, "Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it."